Perform High Keyword Paying Google Adsense. Here is how to perform your website to get revenue
increase dramaticaly from Google Adsense with High Keyword and Optimization.
Injecting Keywords in Your Content
Google’s entire system depends on the keywords used in key areas of your
content. It detects the theme of your web pages and displays the ads
accordingly. These key areas are Title Text, Meta tags, Headings, Anchor txt,
and content. Injecting keywords in these areas actually dictates Google
Mediabot what your page is about. Let’s get into some more details.
Use Effective Keywords in Your title Text
Google Mediabot gives due consideration to the keywords used in the title
tag of HTML Source code, which in turn gets reflected in your ads. Even the
order of words in a keyword can affect the ads that are appearing on your web
page. So, choose your keywords wisely. For higher payouts, choose highest
paying keyword of that category for the title text.
Inject High Paying Keywords in Meta Tags
If there is NO CONTENT on your web page, the Google Mediabot will consider
the Meta Tags to display ads. Meta tags have a considerable impact on the ads
of a page. It is advised that never leave this space empty. Try to make it as
easy as possible for Mediabot to understand your web page theme.
Use Keywords In Your Headings
Google Mediabot gives importance to Heading text enclosed in <H1>,
<H2> tags present on your web page. After Title text, here is an another
chance for you to dictate keywords to Google Mediabot. For Example, if your
website is dealing in music instruments then your probable keywords are musical
equipments, instrumental world of music, guitar, and piano.
The heading “various musical instruments” is more relevant (but not the
best) than “what we have to sell.” So, try to use more appropriate headings and
sub-headings for your web content by injecting relevant keywords.
Use Keywords in Anchor Texts and Hyperlinks
Google stresses on Anchor texts used to link a webpage whether the links are
incoming or outgoing whether they are a part of internal linking or external
linking. Incoming links of a webpage are reckoned better than the outgoing
links. In some cases, Google may just ignore anchor texts of the outgoing
links. Therefore, it’s important to use good keywords to link your own internal
web pages, and also for getting reciprocal links to your website.
Embedding Keywords in the Content
Besides hosting useful and genuine content on your web pages, it’s important
to include keywords at the beginning and at the end of an article. This helps
search engines and Ad bots determine the theme of your web page. Good use of
keywords help the Google Mediabot to achieve higher Ad-relevancy for your
Increasing the Concentration of High Paying Ads
Google never allows you to choose ads for your webpages. Moreover, it’s not
possible for you to choose ads for each page of your website. Google chooses
the most or high paying ads for your pages, but you can help Google to make
wiser decisions. You can actually force the Google AdSense System to give you
more paying ads.
Inject High Paying Keywords
Injecting high paying keywords in your content invites high paying ads on
your web page. Advertisers are ready to pay much more per click on these
keywords. Advertisers bid highly on these keywords in order to bring more web
traffic for their website. So, you can use such keywords to boost your EPC
(Earning Per Click). You can say, on these keywords, advertisers are fighting
against one another to give you higher payouts.
Lengthy Articles Dilute the Relevancy of Ads
Don’t make lengthy web pages as it might mislead Ad-bots to get some wrong ads,
resulting in dilution of relevant ads. Sometimes, Ad bots can be very sticky to
a certain keyword you used just for a reference. If you are getting irrelevant
ads, changing meta tags and Title text is the first thing to start with, then
move on to your content.
Divide Your Articles in Pages (or link each other)
Dividing huge articles in pages works the best. It not only increases the
relevancy of the ads, but also gets you more page views. If you don’t have
lengthy articles, then suggest the related articles a visitor might be
interested in. More page views mean more chances of a visitor clicking on your
ad. Keep the visitors hooked to your website and keep suggesting them other
articles. This way you are recycling the same traffic and increasing the
chances of clicks considerably.
Section Targeting
You can enhance Ad relevancy by using Google’s Section targeting. Through
this technique you can advise Google mediabot –”the areas of your content which
should be considered or ignored while matching the Ads with your content.” To
implement section targeting, you’ll need to add a set of special HTML comment
tags to your code.
To Make a Specific Area Important
To specify your text, you have to use following tags:
<! — google_ad_section_start –>
”here appears the text of your content”
<! — google_ad_section_end –>
To make Google IGNORE an Area:
If you want to ignore your specific text, you can use following tags:
<! — google_ad_section_start (weight=ignore) –>
”here appears the text of your content”
<!– google_ad_section_end –>
Block Junk Websites and Competitor Websites from Showing Ads
There are many junk websites that might be displaying ads on your website.
These websites steal the traffic from your website and recycle it on their own
AdSense ad blocks. Recognize such websites and block them in AdSense
Competitive Ad filter.
Also, you can block your competitor websites using this competitive filter.
Such junk websites not only increase the AdSense Blindness of your users, but
also have a negative impact on user’s experience. To your visitors, Google Ads
are like simple links and your visitor won’t like if you link to junk websites.
Right? This trick can sometimes double or triple your AdSense income.
Monitoring Performance for Further Optimization
Monitoring the traffic and performance of your ads elucidates the reasons
behind the amount you are earning. Monitoring helps you to identify why some
pages are performing badly, and why some pages are performing well. This helps
you to take corrective measures in order to gain more AdSense money.
Check Traffic Logs Regularly
Everything comes with a reason. If you are performing badly, try to find out
the reason. If you are performing well, figure out why? Check your server
traffic logs regularly and see from where exactly you are getting the traffic
and which keyword or search engine get you the most converting visitors
(traffic). If your earnings show a deflection, analyze your traffic logs and
try to relate it to the pattern as well as the behavior of your website
Use Channels for Analyzing Your Ads Performance
Channels allow you to analyze your Ads performance so that you can pin point
the changes that your website needs to boost your Ads payouts. There are two
types of channels available:
You can use the URL channel to track the performance of your URLs without
modifying your Ad code. Google lets you analyze the performance of individual
page or group of pages based on directory system of your website. You can begin
tracking the performance of your pages simply by entering a full or partial URL
in your Google Channel Settings.
Enter a top-level domain name to track all of the pages on that domain. For
example,, or you can enter a partial URL to track all of the pages
below a certain directory. For example, Entering a full URL
will track the performance of that particular page. For example,
Custom Channel
Custom channels can help you monitor the performance of different Ad formats
presented in your web pages. By pasting channel-specific ad code into your
pages, you can track CTR, Impressions, and the number of clicks each individual
ad format is generating. You can compare its performance with other web pages.
Google monitors the channels or Ad blocks performance separately when you paste
the custom channel enabled code in any html.
You can use the custom channels by creating custom channel name, and then by
adding the channel specific code to your web pages. Give a detailed name for
your custom channel so that you can easily identify it later in your reports
(follow the pattern Page+ Location+ Ad Format+ Color Palette for example:
HomeRightSkyscraBlue&white). It is good to analyze every Ad units in your
web pages through custom channel.
What it requires is Keyword rich quality content, High paying keywords,
remarkable presentation of articles, tools like Google’s Section targeting, Ad
Filters, traffic monitoring, and Ads performance Analyzing (through Channels)
to bring out effective modifications in your Ad layouts.
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